You are looking for a Joomla template for your fashion model agency? Today we will bring you an ideal nomination: Semona Fashion Model Agency. We?re surely that this great template will meet all your expectations.
Fashion Semona is a clean, modern but user friendly Joomla 4 template which is typically created for fashion model agency with 3 elegant home versions, stunning gallery, clean blog, detail service, about us and many other extra pages.
Including many cutting-edge and out-standing features, it surely makes your website be amazing, attractive and impressive.
It is a responsive Joomla template and built on Plazart Framework and strongly supports Joomla! 3x with HTML5 and CSS3.
Owning a stunning beauty, fashionable, clean look and proper execution, accompanying with making use of Plazart Framework, TZ Portfolio, JComments, TZ Twitter Widget, TZ Flickr Stream, TZ Google Map, TZ News Pro and Unite Revolution Slider, this Semona will help you to create an awesome website.
Highlight Features
Compatible with latest version Joomla 3.9.x, Joomla 4
Powerful Astroid Framework latest version 2.5 made by Bootstrap v4.3.1
TZ Portfolio+ Pro | #1 Portfolio Joomla Extension compatible. Jollyany supports Addons & Style. With 20+ addons & 10+ style that will help you make up your portfolio in a minute with just a few clicks
Drag & Drop Layout Builder and SP Page Builder Pro Integration (Save $49). You can create complex layouts by drag?n drop with visual composer. Jollyany supports 60+ addons will help you easily customize your website just in few clicks
Unite Slider | #1 Joomla Slideshow aka Slider Revolution Integration (Save $29). You can create complex layouts by drag?n drop with visual inteface.
100% build with SASS. If you are a developer, it?s absolute easily to customize template follow client?s requirement.
Fully Responsive Design with 32 Unique Home Layouts. Boxed & Wide Layout supports.
Retina Ready. With Jollyany, your website will look awesome on high resolution & Retina displays.
Multiple Header Layouts: You have multiple options to choose from and can easily switch between them using the Astroid Layout Manager. Jollyany provides your 8 header layout.
6 Article Types: Article Types like Regular, Video, Audio, Review, Gallery, and Quote are now the part of Jollyany
Article Badges: You can add badges like Hot, Trending, Best Seller etc on Article listing page with Jollyany
EasyBlog style supports. The Best Blogging Extension for Joomla! from our partner Stackideas
EasySocial style ready. EasySocial has an infinite and extensible features that fulfills any growing community needs and wants.
EasyDiscuss style ready. The Smarter Forums For Joomla. Q&A platform done right. Synergy of communication and collaboration efforts.
Kunena forum support. The most popular free Joomla forum integrate with Jollyany. If you need a free forum, it?s the best.
Off Canvas & Mega Menu: Jollyany is packed with stunning off canvas and drag & drop mega menu builder.
Custom Codes: Use your own custom code like CSS, JS, Meta tags, Links, and Verification codes.
Support for RTL languages. With carefully styled every part of template for RTL (right-to-left), Jollyany supports middle eastern languages such as Hebrew and Arabic which are written predominantly right-to-left.
and much more?